The Zimbo and I are recently had 2 nights in the city, ohne Kinder! It was deliciously luxurious. There was some drama at the end, which is why it's taken me this long to bring you the one and only photo I snapped from the entire weekend.
We stayed at the Sheraton on the Park. You know, previously I haven't been a fan of hotels like that one. I generally prefer to be in someone's loved home, or to at least travel with one of my favourite enamel mugs. However, I'm now in my mid-thirties and like to think that turning that 30 corner has introduced me to slightly more sophisticated things. I do now enjoy a haircut every couple of months, for example. One of the other things I also now enjoy is swanky hotels with king beds, crisp white linen, and... walk in wardrobes! Within minutes of arriving, my bag was unpacked and I was taking very happy snaps of the wardrobe.

The bathroom was also quite impressive but the buffet breakfast really was the icing on the cake: bircher muesli with yoghurt, fresh fruit and pastries, an omlette made to order, and pot after pot of tea. Ahhhhhhh.
We had such a fun time. I joined the Zimbo and Ross at the Different Drummer in Glebe for a drink (they had already had many, while I had been unpacking and admiring the wardrobe), had a very late dinner at the dodgy-but-delicious Barbeque King in China Town (The Z's favourite late-night dodgy dinner in Sydders), spent hours the next day strolling through shops and admiring musical instruments, a long lunch in Potts Point, a Sydney Theatre Company production at the Opera House (In the next room. If you are in Sydney, go see it. It was hilarious) and another midnight dinner at the Quay. O the luxury! Who gets to have midnight dinners after seeing a play when they have children? We do, occasionally, thanks to Nana and Grandad. And the boykies and grandparents get to have the island all to themselves, with games of chess and monopoly, fishing, too many treats, too much dessert... just as life should be when Mama and Dada are having a weekend retreat.