Lazuli Green Island Mama

Lazuli Green Island Mama

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hello China

Hello to my first viewer in China!

What is the correct term for blog viewer? Lurker? Reader? Who can tell. There's always the (good) chance someone has stumbled across a blog whilst looking for something else, had a quick squizzy, then fluttered away. So, viewer in China, if you stayed a while, hello. You are most welcome here.

There are big things brewing on this here island. Big, exciting things. I'll share them with you if they come to fruition. In the meantime, the rumblings and brewings are distracting me from my day's work. I can't hear myself think, and it's not due to those little boys of mine chasing each other at high volume, although that is definitely still happening. 

At least a year ago, I'm sure I said that I would one day share a bit about boating at night. As you know, I'm still fairly new to boating. I've been an 'islander' for under 2 years and prior to that I hadn't driven (sailed?) a boat. Last night I'd requested that the boat be left for me rather than taken home by the Zimbabwean. It's not left for me very often. He's very fond of his boat, that Zimbo. Anyway, it was a rare night... a night when I would be home after the last ferry, so either he needed to come out to pick me up, or I could have the boat for the evening. 

Another unusual happening: there was a passenger in my boat who desired to be dropped off at a wharf on the south-western side of our island. So I had an unusual route to follow, on my unusual way home, which allowed me to really make the most of the boating at night experience. Once I'd delivered my passenger, it was just me and that vast, dark space. 

I love boating alone, when I can go as fast or as slow as I desire. It feels brave, and adventurous, and free. It's not really though. Really, I am just coming home, and it usually takes less than 10 minutes. Still, there is rarely anyone else near me on the water, and if another boat is seen it is anonymous. The darkness blankets the faces in the other boat so I don't notice if it was someone I know. Very different to boating in the sunshine... when you might spend as much time waving at familiar boats as you do looking ahead.

The blanket of darkness can feel lonely or lovely, depending on my mood and how I've perceived my day. Yesterday was a good day. I was tired but light - happy with a good grade on my most recent philosophy essay. The evening was beautiful. Shimmering water. There were stars above me, a glowing moon above the hilly landscape, wispy-wide clouds. The air was clear and very very crisp (it is nearly winter). The watery stillness, which is never really still, becomes exquisite once the sound of the engine goes and the boat has been tied up for the night. Then I have just a short walk up a dirt road to our home. No street lights. Glowing windows coming from our house, if I'm lucky. Sounds of the bush at night.

Many people look at me sideways when I say that I live here. They ask what there is to like about it. Some even give a little shudder and a shake of the head. 

A better photographer than me would have a magical picture to share with you, but you'll need to use your imagination. It looks something like this...

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