Lazuli Green Island Mama

Lazuli Green Island Mama

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sunday evening

What is there to do on a sunny, Sunday afternoon in March, in these watery parts?

Well, you could pile your loved ones into a boat. Then you could point the bow of said boat to the south east. Enjoy the sun and the wind on your face. Smile into that wind and stretch your soul as far as you can.

Find yourself a nice mariner, with a lovely owner, who doesn't mind you tying your little boat up to the back of multi-million dollar monstrosity, while you go and frolick with friends at a nearby pub. On this occassion, we even went so far as to buy the boiykaloiks a jug of lemonade. We really were letting our hair down.

And there we stayed, with friends and laughter and drinks and food, for several hours. By the time the sun had set, our spirits had been cleansed and tickled and inspired, and reminded that we are fortunate, and well, and happy, and free. We left at dusk.

Some of us were lulled to sleep by the slapping of water on the bottom of a boat, cruising it's way back to it's island.

"You should be more concerned at inspecting who you eat and drink with, than what you eat and drink".
- Epicurus

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